Flex整页布局避免底部被撑掉 🔑 Flexbox Full Page Web App Layout
From: http://geon.github.io/programming/2016/02/24/flexbox-full-page-web-app-layout I was working on a web app layout, and since we require a modern b 继续>
Blog of ZCW 亦·德利菲的小窝
From: http://geon.github.io/programming/2016/02/24/flexbox-full-page-web-app-layout I was working on a web app layout, and since we require a modern b 继续>
计算 MD5 校验和 md5 /tmp/hello.txt 计算 SHA-1 校验和 shasum -a 1 /tmp/hello.txt 计算 SHA-256 校验和 shasum -a 256 /tmp/hello.txt 转载,来自:https://www.cnblogs.com 继续>
Asterisks in Python: what they are and how to use them 中文(已无法访问):http://blog.jobbole.com/114655/ 中文2:https://blog.csdn.net/iodjSVf8U1J7KYc/article/det 继续>
Because you know that everything in React is functions, you can’t really do this
1 | this.state.text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />') |
Since that would return a stri 继续>
XSS的产生 很多人需要在nunjuck里面输出json数据的时候会这么写:
1 | {{ jsonData | dump | safe }} |
但是这么写一点都不安全(虽然有一个safe) dump只是将json对象序列化(stringify),safe只是告诉nunjucks不要进行escape( 继续>
1 | open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials --user-data-dir |
In React, one of the first big issues that comes up is figuring out how components should communicate with each other. What's the best way to 继续>
Wait hang on, that's a super specific solution (as mentioned by @DanielRosenwasser on the PR…) How would this solve the issue with 继续>
1 2 | $ pmset -g custom #默认是 1 ,打开状态 $ sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0 #设置为关闭 |
其中Battery Power(电池)和 AC Power(电源)的信息是分开的,pmset -b是只对Battery Power(电池) 继续>
from: http://jonnyreeves.co.uk/2016/pre-commit-hooks-in-smartgit/ SmartGit is my preferred Git client mainly due to its excellent visual diff tool tha 继续>
from : http://thesassway.com/intermediate/responsive-web-design-in-sass-using-media-queries-in-sass-32 In Responsive Web Design in Sa 继续>
In a lengthy profile of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick yesterday, the New YorkTimes revealed that at one point in early 2015, Kalanick was summone 继续>
之前在网易实习的时候,每周都进行一次技术分享,组内成员轮流分享自己最新学习的新技术或者对项目有用的解决方案,我觉得这是个非常好的互相学习、知识拓展和锻炼沟通表达能力的机会。 因之前有过开发 iOS 第三方输入法的经验,而相对其他类型 App 而言,输入法做的人并不多,也就几家大厂在做, 继续>
whistle 是一款用 Node 实现的跨平台的 Web 调试代理工具,支持查看修改 http(s)、Websocket 连接的请求和响应内容。简而言之就是 Node 版的 Fiddler、Charles,不过这个工具能远比后两者更加适合 Web 开发者、使用更简单、功能也更加实用,而笔者使用了 继续>
1 2 3 4 | var done = function(response) { console.log('response', response) } var fail = function(error) { console.log('error', error) } var always = function() { console.log('always') } Promise.resolve(42).then(done).catch(fail).then(always, always) |