四种常见的 POST 提交数据方式
转载,来自:https://www.imququ.com/post/four-ways-to-post-data-in-http.html(原文发表于 2013-08-21) HTTP/1.1 协议规定的 HTTP 请求方法有 OPTIONS、GET、HEAD、POST、PUT、DELETE、TRA 继续>
Blog of ZCW 亦·德利菲的小窝
转载,来自:https://www.imququ.com/post/four-ways-to-post-data-in-http.html(原文发表于 2013-08-21) HTTP/1.1 协议规定的 HTTP 请求方法有 OPTIONS、GET、HEAD、POST、PUT、DELETE、TRA 继续>
In case you didn’t hear, a new HTTP version is coming to town. There’s a lot of great information about it, including a recent post by Stephen Ludin a 继续>
I’m using my own resolver and would like to use urllib2 to just connect to the IP (no resolving in urllib2) and I would like set the HTTP Host-h 继续>