Python 中星号的本质及其使用方式
Asterisks in Python: what they are and how to use them 中文(已无法访问): 中文2: 继续>
Blog of ZCW 亦·德利菲的小窝
Asterisks in Python: what they are and how to use them 中文(已无法访问): 中文2: 继续>
转载,来自: Popen
1 2 3 4 5 | class subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0) |
在脚本状态下stdout=None, stderr=None时运行不会有任何问题,但 继续>
转载,来自: 前几天买了MBP Retina,发现用PyQt4编出来的Mac app不是Retina,Widget和窗口的左上角的三个按钮都是模糊的,一查发现Qt5开始支持Retina,于 继续>
from: Mechanize A very useful python module for navigating through web forms 继续>
from: Recently I got involved in Python development. As I had learnt the basics of Qt at the university courses, I dec 继续>
from: If you just want to bypass verification, you can create a new SSL 继续>
from: question: I downloaded Microsoft Visual C++ Compile 继续>
转载,来自: 自python2.6开始,新增了一种格式化字符串的函数str.format(),可谓威力十足。那么,他跟之前的%型格式化字符串相比,有什么优越的存在呢?让我们来揭开它羞答答 继续>
source: QtWebKit makes it very easy to expose methods and properties 继续>
转载,来自于: 配置文件编码为UTF-8,内容如下:
1 2 | [section1] p1=中文字符串 |
如果用 config.readfp(open(‘cfg.ini’)),会出现乱码问 继续>
首先要明晰一点,json标准中,key是必须要带引号的,所以标准json模块解析不带引号的key的 json就会抛错 不过有一些lib可以帮我们解析 如:demjson(链接)
1 2 3 | >>> import demjson >>> demjson.decode('{suggestion:[{query:"London",interpretation: ...') {u'suggestion': [{u'query': u'London', u'operation': 2, u'interpretation': ... |
部分转自: 继续>
PyInstaller可以将Python程序打包成Windows(当然也包括Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX)下可执行的EXE文件,目前支持python2.2-2.7版本,点击这里下载。 使用PyInstaller需要安装PyWin32,可到这里下载相应的版本。(从p 继续>
I have been working on a small windows command line tool that I wanted to distribute it as a single executable file on windows. I tried cx_freeze and 继续>
I’m using my own resolver and would like to use urllib2 to just connect to the IP (no resolving in urllib2) and I would like set the HTTP Host-h 继续>